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New Call Results table display

February 27, 2024
Call Results Table Headers

The call results table now contains the following headers:

  • Date: This is the date you placed the calls
  • Script: This is the name of the script for which the calls are placed
  • Input: This is the name of the input CSV file you provided (if applicable)
  • Batch ID: This is a reference ID number for the batch of calls
  • Calls: For processing batches, we'll display how many are completed out of the total. For completed batches, we'll display the `successful : failed / total`
  • Status: Processing --> Completed. If a completed batch has any failed calls, it will display a `triangle-exclamation` icon
  • Completed: For processing batches, we'll display the expected completion date & time. For completed batches, we'll display the completion date & time

Notably, the "Calls" column contains new styling. In this example, there are 43 successful calls, 7 failed calls, out of 50 total calls in the batch.